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Unit 2 - First World War and Twenties - 1914-1929 (2P)

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Unit 2 - First World War and Twenties - 1914-1929 (2P)


Unit Question - 1914-1929: A Time of Progress?


Unit Tasks - Paragraph Writing on Progress


At the end of every unit, check in with the Course Questions using the Skills Inventory and 




 Introduction activity

 Put the Concept Map in order.  What conclusions can you draw from this activity? Teacher copy (answer)

     Journal Reflect: 

  • How has your idea of what history is changed?

Course question introduction: 

What things do you think make a great country? Small groups - vote and rank

Class criteria for a great country

 Journal Reflect:

  • Is Canada a great country today? What evidence is there?
  • Would someone living in Canada in 1913 have the same list as us? What would be different?





Activity 1:

Prohibition and Cause and Consequence


Product: Diamond Ranking and Paragraph - most influential cause


Cause and Consequence an


Activity 2:

Japanese Internment and Historical Perspective


Product: Bio-poem 






Activity 3:

Cold War and Change and Continuity 


Product: Cold War Timeline with : e 1903




Activity 4:

October Crisis and Significance


Product: A) Letter to the museum's CEO Mark O'Neill OR  B) Design the exhibit which will show people why it's significant




Activity 5:

Oka Crisis and Primary Sources and the Ethical Dimension 







September 30

Oka and the Ethical Dimension

4 corners


Write a letter to the PM, OR

Design a suitable memorial 


October 1


Select 2 of 5 items to submit for the 

Unit One Assessment

Complete one for peer review tomorrow


Questions Diagnostic today - how are your questioning Skills?


Group activity - rocket ship



HW: Complete your Unit 1 Assessment Product #1

Draft Product #2


Use the Peer Review to self-check if you understand and are using the Historical Thinking Concept


Unit One Assessment items due by end period today


Mobile Lab 


Peer Review 




Journal: If you could be any Canadian involved in any of the these events, who would you be?


Start think about your Canadian Character for the Memory Box.


What artifact from unit 1 is significant for her/him?


Unit Two: 1914-1929

What causes social upheaval?

Chalkboard Splash

Your ideas 


What questions do you have about this time period?

Your Open and Closed Questions


October 7

Causes of World War I

Road to War Slides 

Take notes


Debate: Which was the most important cause? Why?



The No. 2 Construction Battalion  Lesson


Examining primary sources

Documents (from CSI book)


Generating historical thinking questions.





Finish Construction Battalion - Journal your 3 questions.


Finish Causes of war

- Which one most important?




Watch - Go Out and Meet Death Bravely (People's History)


Create a battle scene from the Somme or Passchendaele in your sandbox.



PD Day no School

October 14

Thanksgiving - No School





Watch Vimy video (People's History)

Journal: Which battle would you call in sick for and why?


Introduce Legion contest assignment.


Examine our Questions - 

Halifax Explosion - watch video clip - what caused it? what were the effects?



Our Questions about the war

- What have we answered so far?

- What further questions do you have?


Choose a question that we have not yet answered and read about it using in class sources.





Report your findings from Our Questions  to the class


Begin working on Legion contest assignment


Full contest Details here



War Art - Mr. Hutchinson


Groups create an image/impression of the war

October 21

Work on Legion contest assignment



Legion contest assignment Due  today for self/peer review.

Don't forget to complete theentry form if you wish to also enter the contest.


WWI Review our Questions

Topic 2 Twenties, a time of progress?:

What is Progress? Establish criteria 


Legion Contest Due Today


What is Progress? What would make a time of Progress? Graffiti activity to create criteria.


Watch selected clips from Good Bright Days.


Were the 20s a Time of Progress according to our criteria?

Our Results


Were the 1920s a time of Progress?

View/read Selected Topicstogether



Bring a shoebox to decorate for tomorrow's class.


Memory Box - Let's Begin


Bring your shoebox to decorate for your character.

October 28


Review and prepare for 1920s assessment


Twenties Assessment


Significance Vote



Unit 3: 1929-45


Topic 1: The Great Depression

How well did the government deal with the depression?


Treatment of the Unemployed - worksheet from CSI textbook





Significance Vote


Intro to Royal Commission assignment or Letter to Government

November 1

Memory Box - Let's Begin


Create your character and put in the first artifact from 1914-1929 - complete significance worksheet





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