
Unit 1 - Course Overview (2P)

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on September 3, 2014 at 1:30:09 pm
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
September 1


Welcome to Class

Rules Discussion/Activity


Our agreed upon rules




What is History? Activity - Put the Concept Map in order


What conclusions can you draw from this activity?




Finish Concept Map Activity:

Journal Reflect: How has your idea of what history is changed?


What things do you think make a great country? Small groups - vote and rank


Class criteria for a great country


Is Canada a great country today? What evidence is there?


Would someone living in Canada in 1913 have the same list as us? What would be different?


Predict - Why would the Canadian government have banned alcohol in 1916?



Journal: What predicted cause of prohibition from our list do you think is the most likely factor in causing it?


Unit 1 Historical Thinking  

Unit Overview and Assessment 


Topic 1 Cause and Consequence and Prohibition


Minds On: How is alcohol regulated in Canada today?

Which of these regulations do you have a "why?" question about?



 Cause and Consequence


What are some possible causes of Prohibition?



Video - People's History


Reading from History Uncovered p. 52-53

September 8


Complete the

Diamond Ranking Organizer and paragraph


Journal Reflection How did my ideas about the causes of Prohibition change?


Product: Diamond Ranking and Paragraph - most influential cause











Finish Journal Reflection - How did my ideas about the causes of Prohibition change?


Topic 2: Historical Perspective-Taking and Japanese Internment 


 Watch Minoru: A Memory of Exile





Product: Bio-poem 

Peer Assessment



What is your best line and why?

What is a question you still have about internment?




Topic 3: Continuity and Change and the Cold War


Watch Chinese-Canadians video

Analyze  Lisgar picture 1903


Look at Cold War Video clips - What has changed? What are the continuities?




September 16


Cold War Timeline with Attitude

Place the events above or below the line


Journal: When did the Cold War start and end? Why?


Topic 4: Historical Significance


Consider Significance and


Set up Criteria




 Most Significant Song in my life - whysignificant?


October Crisis:Predict what it might be about based on the pictures


October Crisis:

Read and Code the Text


Apply Significance Criteria




Is it significant enough to be included in Canada's History Museum?


With a partner or on your own, prepare either:


A) Letter to the museum's CEO Mark O'Neill


B) Design the exhibit which will show people why it's significant.


September 23

Watch Passchendaele

What questions would a historian ask about this movie?



Cause & Consequence


Continuity & Change


Finish watching Passchendaele

What questions would a historian ask about this movie?



Cause & Consequence


Continuity & Change




Topic 5: Evidence, Ethical Dimension and Oka


Evidence Activity - I Left a Trace fromThe Big Six


Begin to Examine the Evidence with Oka - Photo and summary




Continue Examining the Evidence

Minds On: Review Photo


Action: Watch Oka Videos - ask Primary Source Questions


Examine Documents


What are the two most important questions to ask?





Terry Fox Run 





September 30

Oka and the Ethical Dimension

4 corners


Write a letter to the PM, OR

Design a suitable memorial 


October 1


Select 2 of 5 items to submit for the 

Unit One Assessment

Complete one for peer review tomorrow


Questions Diagnostic today - how are your questioning Skills?


Group activity - rocket ship



HW: Complete your Unit 1 Assessment Product #1

Draft Product #2


Use the Peer Review to self-check if you understand and are using the Historical Thinking Concept


Unit One Assessment items due by end period today


Mobile Lab 


Peer Review 




Journal: If you could be any Canadian involved in any of the these events, who would you be?


Start think about your Canadian Character for the Memory Box.


What artifact from unit 1 is significant for her/him?


Unit Two: 1914-1929

What causes social upheaval?

Chalkboard Splash

Your ideas 


What questions do you have about this time period?

Your Open and Closed Questions



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