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Ms. Collishaw
Glebe CI Website
613-239-2424 ext. 2086
CHY4U - World History Since 1500 - period 3
Resources for Teachers
Ms. Collishaw is a recipient of the 2013 Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching. Click here to read more about how this project is part of the award.
Tour of Netherlands, Belgium, Normandy and Paris in May 2015.
Watch this space for article and pictures from the trip!
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CHC2D - Canadian history since 1914, Academic
CHC2P - Canadian history since 1914, Applied
HFC3E - Foods and Culture, Workplace (13-14)
HSP3M - Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology
CHW3M - World History to 1500,
HNC3O - Fashion and Creative Expression, Open
CHY4U - World History since 1500, University
CHM4E - Adventures in World History, Workplace
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