

Page history last edited by Rachel Collishaw 3 years, 7 months ago


Ms. Collishaw


On secondment (until Sept. 2021) with Elections Canada







Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Teacher Workshop Resources 2009-2019


Also see my blog: reweavinghistory.blogspot.com for more teacher support, stories and student voice


My current project (2018-2021): electionsanddemocracy.ca


Course Resources

These course resources are a reflection of my classes at Glebe CI, as they were taught over the last several years, the date reflects the most recent time it was taught. Please email me if you would like more information or the links are broken. Feel free to use and share these resources if you find them useful and credit the original source when you are using or re-sharing the resource. 


Grade 10 Courses

CHC2D - Canadian history since 1914, Academic (2014-15)

CHC2P - Canadian history since 1914, Applied (2104-15)


Grade 11 Courses

HFC3E - Foods and Culture, Workplace (2013-14)

HSP3M - Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, College/University (2012-13)

CHW3M - World History to 1500, College/University (2014-15)

HNC3O - Fashion and Creative Expression, Open (2010-11)


Grade 12 Courses

CHY4U - World History since 1500, University (2014-15)

CHM4E - Adventures in World History, Workplace (2013-14)





Text Publications


History 8 (Reviewer - 2016)

History 7 (Writer/reviewer - 2015)

History Uncovered (2014)

Social Science, An Introduction (2011)

Other Publications:








Glebe's Virtual War Memorial 


Honouring our WWII soldiers


Ms. Collishaw is a recipient of the 2013 Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching. Click here to read more about how this project is part of the award.


Research Sources



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